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10.Mr. A purchased a house for tk 10,00,000 tk in 1995,he spent 1,00,000 tk for routne maintenance & upkeep of the house.In 1999,he sold the house for 5% of more then what he paid for it.He paid 5% of the proceeds as gain tax & he has to pay 50% of his net proft to the broker, what is his net income? Soluton: Here, ,urchasing cost +Routne maintenance & upkeep cost = (10,00,000 + 1,00,000) = 11,00,000 tk roft gained 5% of total cost =(1100000* 5)/100 = ,75,000 tk 5% gain tax={(5* 75000)/100} =13750 tk So, Net proft afer deductng gain tax = ( 75000 – 13750) tk = ,61, 50 tk Net income afer deductng brokers commission =( 61 50/ ) =1,30,6 5 tk Answer:1,30,6 5 tk 11.A simple interest rate of a bank was reduced to 5% from 7%. As a consequences Mr. B’s income was reduced by tk 100 in 5 yrs. How much is Mr. B’s inital deposit in the bank? Soluton: Here, The rate of interest reduced in a year =(7 e 5) = % In 5 yrs interest reduced= 100 tk In 1 yr interest reduced= 100/5 = 4 0 tk So, % = 4 0 100% = (4 0*100)/ = 1,000 Answer: 1,000 tk 1 .One ffh of the products made by a company is defectve.Foureffh of the defectves were rejected and oneetwenteth of the good products were rejected by mistake.If all the products not rejected are sold ,What percent of the products sold by the company are defectve? [Bangladesh Bank ADe 001] Soluton: Suppose Total product =100. Total defectve products =100/5 = 0 So,Non defectve products =100– 0 = 80 Defectve product rejected ={ 0*(4/5)} =16 Defectve but not rejected product =( 0–16)=4 Rejected by mistake good product =80*(1/ 0)=4 Total products sold ={100 –(16 + 4)}=80 Defectve in 80 products is 4 Defectve in 100 products is (4×100)/80 = 5 Answer: 5%
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